A study funded by a $1.24 million grant from the Office of Naval Research Warfighter Performance Department may change the way that physicians look for brain injuries incurred in combat. A collaborative team will explore the relationship of shockwaves to these...
Committed To
Protecting Your Future
Month: December 2015
Social Security disability benefits are not guaranteed
Federal regulations governing Social Security disability are strict and the benefit approval process is slow and demanding. More than 68 percent of applicants were denied social security in the third quarter of 2015.Applicants must complete numerous forms and provide...
VA changes medical appointment program
The Department of Veterans Affairs recently announced changes to its Veterans Choice Program which is intended to address streamlining medical care of veterans. Timely healthcare has become one of the prominent veterans' issues.This program was established in 2014 to...
Social Security disability hearing wait up to 2 years
Social Security disability claimants have the right to appeal the denial of benefits. However, there are over one million hearings are pending across the United States for applicants seeking to convince administrative law judges that they are entitled to disability...
What is the appeal process for a SSA decision?
Rejecting a claim for Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income may be financially life-altering. Fortunately, claimants have the right to timely appeal these decisions. If an Social Security disability application was denied, a claimant must make an...