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Why Do I Need A Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Attorney?

It is possible to apply for Social Security benefits with the help of an “advocate.” It is even possible to apply on your own for benefits. If you are seeking benefits, you may be asking, “Do I need an SSDI lawyer, and if so, why?”

The answer is fairly straightforward: A lawyer will be the most knowledgeable person to whom you can rely upon if you wish to obtain benefits. When the stakes are as high as they are, do you really want to leave your probability of success up to chance? Furthermore, when partnering with a lawyer, you are immediately aware that they are held to a higher standard, unlike an advocate.

A lawyer is held accountable by the California State Bar, something of which cannot be said about an “advocate.” There is not one single process by which someone becomes accredited in order to become an advocate; it could be anyone. This is why it is of the utmost importance that an applicant can rely and depend upon someone who is actually an officer of the court, rather than simply a self-appointed representative.

If Your Application Is Denied, It Becomes More Complex

It is worth noting that many people attempt to undertake the process alone and eventually get denied. Once this occurs, the process becomes even more complicated with respect to appealing and building your case.

At the Fresno-based Law Offices of Melissa A. Proudian, you can expect to receive services that include comprehensive knowledge of the SSI/SSDI process. Our Social Security Disability attorneys have spent more than three decades working on more than 7,000 SSDI cases. Our office’s experience and detail-oriented approach has helped thousands of clients secure the benefits they have desperately needed. We are prepared to do everything possible to help you do the same.

Set Up A Free Consultation

To get in touch and schedule a free initial consultation regarding your issues with an SSI/SSDI lawyer, please call 559-554-1455 or email our SSD lawyer.